Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ruka recap and a ski at Nordsetter

The Ruka Triple has been the kickoff to the World Cup Season for many years, up until last year when we had the mini tour in Lillehammer instead.  Now it alternates, so next year it will be back to Lillehammer, but Ruka with still always be the World Cup Opener.  It is a tough way to start the season, as it's all or nothing.  You cannot pick and chose your races in a Tour, you must do them all, so we jump in with two feet and get the race season started with a bang.  I have never managed to have a strong start to my year in Ruka.  Maybe I have some nerves that I need to get out of my system, or perhaps it has more to do with the fact that 

Sadie in her new World Cup name bib! The top 30 on the overall world ranking list from last year get their name on their training bibs. This is Sadie's first time getting one so it was picture worthy for sure!

Me and Jessie loving our ski in the real snow!

So beautiful up there.

Endless tracks, all in the sun, and though it was cold, it was perfect.


Ida, me and Rosie

Skate skiing:)

Thanks to all my sponsors for all their support in providing nutrition and products that keeps me warm, comfortable and ready to perform!
Skida, Rudy Project, Exel, Rossignol, Johaug Gloves, ProBar Craft, L.L. Bean