Friday, April 23, 2010

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity with the US Women's silver medalist Hockey team and Team for Tomorrow. Pretty awesome day!

Hockey team member Erika Lawler and our wall!

So proud!

There are some photo's to the right of the link too that you can check out. This topped off one of the coolest couple days that I have ever been a part of. The US Olympic team got to meet President Obama, First Lady Michelle and Vice President Biden and his wife Jill. It was incredible. Michelle held my hand for the whole photo shoot, which must have lasted 30 seconds and I got to shake Barack's hand. It was quite surreal and it was the first time in my life I have ever been "starstruck". I have a lot to catch up on and will post pictures of my spring very soon so check back for more updates over the next couple days!


Claude said...

You are special; I bet Obama was starstruck too.

Tom said...

Hey Liz,
Thanks for the card :) Great stuff you're into and as always I'm very proud of you! Hope you enjoyed a little time off. Back in UT for the summer? I did the Salt Lake Marathon again in April; few minutes faster than last year :) Look forward to keeping in touch.
Love ya,