Monday, August 5, 2013

AK to PC

I love this picture of Sadie.  It shows exactly who she is.  Makes me happy just to look at this photo when I can't have the real version around.

Monday has come again and I find myself wanting to go to bed, but sitting down at my computer to type out the week’s adventures.  This week took me from Eagle Glacier, to Hope, Alaska, and now back to my home in Utah.  I think it is best told in pictures, as there were so many great ones taken on the glacier that I want to share some of the best ones with you all.  I feel a long post coming up, but not tonight, not this Monday, but this one will be very visual!  Be well, train hard, live fully and enjoy the shots.  Photo credits go out to everyone who was at the camp, 22 people all combined their photos and it has made for quite a collection!

Chelsea Holmes, Jessie, Holly and Kate Fitz enjoying the sunny glacier skiing!

Our volunteer PT, Zuzana, working in the sun!

Matt and Cork.... 

Mikey Matteson, one of the guys who works full time up at the glacier, keeping it safe, making sure our facility is in tip top shape and grooming the trails twice a day every day.  Thanks Mikey!!

Kate Fitz, Holly, Kik, Astrid Jacobsen

Our view is not half bad

This is the type of weather we enjoyed all week.  We were super lucky this year!

Baking some treats!

Matt and Cork....I guess this picture really says it all.

Awesome headbands courtesy of SKIDA this year to sport during the camp!

Panoramic view


Sadie socking in the rays of Vitamin D

Our home for the week!

Our view for the week

Being strong and healthy is something that we all try never to take for granted.

If you look closely you can swipe a credit card between my skis and the snow!

Chelsea Holmes with the spread eagle!

Heather almost landing on Astrid. Heather was getting some serious ups today!

Practicing our ups!

Just doing a bit of skiing in our new training gear.

Our crew

Vermont crew: Matt, Ida, me and Heather Mooney

Hope Crew at Holly's cabin: Ida, me, Astrid, Sadie, Kik, Jessie and Holly.

Astrid, Holly, Jessie, Me, Kik and our awesome river guide, Corey who donated his afternoon to us and helping us catch some salmon.  So fun.  Thanks Corey!!

Fresh caught salmon over a fire after a day on the river? BEST. THING. EVER.

Hope crew on a run.  Holly has such an awesome getaway in this quaint town.

Me and my Goddaughter, Charlie.  She gave me a ride in her neighbors sweet electric car!
Just practicing for when she gets her license in 13 years.

Ellery Leeds, Anya Bean Caldwell, me, Mae Foster and Maddie Talkington all got together for some breakfast this morning.  Super fun to have all of these girls in town for the day!  All retired nordis and still loving the benefits of living an active lifestyle.  Once a nordi, always a nordi.
Thanks to NNF for the constant, consistent, incredible support.

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